Meet the BCB Entertainers! They are a subset of the Birmingham Concert Band. This group of musicians is available for hire for various types of functions. Depending on the type of performance needed we can provide nine to seventeen players.

Examples of places and functions
we've performed for in the past are:
Antique car festivals
Art Fairs
Birmingham Day On The Town
Caroling in restaurants
Charitable groups fundraisers
Church fundraisers
Church picnics
Dream Cruise
High school reunion picnics
In The Park concerts
Large garage sales
Memorial Day celebrations
Political campaigns
Private parties
Retirement facilities
Social clubs - parties and picnics
Tailgate parties
Winter Markt in Birmingham
We try to match the type of music to the occasion. An example would be a Christmas concert at a church, restaurant, park or retirement facility. We play many of the very familiar so-called Holiday Songs and/or Christmas Carols and also several special arrangements of appropriate tunes. We usually have a soloist and we pass out song sheets for group singing. We also wear Santa Hats!
A Memorial Day program has all patriotic songs and marches. And we usually have a special musical recognition of veterans.
For a private party we might have our vocalist sing many numbers from various Broadway Shows. We would also have individuals in the band perform interesting solos. Most of the time we end up playing Happy Birthday to someone.
For senior citizen groups we play tunes from yesteryear which everyone in retirement facilities seem to know and sing along. Songs like If You Knew Suzy and When I'm 64. And, they love the show tunes.
And for an Antique Car Show we would play pieces like In My Merry Oldsmobile and How I Love To Drive My Buick and, again, we pass out song sheets and get everyone singing.
The BCB Entertainers strives to make each performance an enjoyable experience for every person, whether it's someone in the audience or a member of the band. Band members perform because they love to entertain folks and have fun doing it. Band members do not get paid--their services and talents are donated because all the funds paid to the band for performances are put in a special music scholarship fund and once a year scholarships are given out to music students for Interlochen or Blue Lake music camps. Therefore, any payments made to the BCB Entertainers are charitable donations.
Please consider the BCB Entertainers for your next function.
For more information, contact Rob Olson at 248-642-0397 or email